What Is Your True Self Anyway?

What Is Your True Self Anyway?

I was always wary of any teachings that promised a return to ‘your true self’. Mainly because this much sought after being seemed always to be presented as some kind of pristine version of myself that just didn’t ring…well… true! Words...
Returning to Your True Self

Returning to Your True Self

This week I decided to re-name my website, changing the name from Nothing Saying This to Heart of Presence. Seven years ago, I began writing about awakening experiences on this blog and titled it ‘Nothing Saying This’. To me at the time, nothing was not...
Awakening Is Not a Magic Pill

Awakening Is Not a Magic Pill

For so long I imagined and dreamed that waking up would be like taking a magic pill. I dreamed that depression and anxiety and other mental and emotional difficulties would just vanish into thin air. When I was really honest with myself, like so much of my desperate...
Be and Be Free

Be and Be Free

When it feels like the world is closing in around your head and the pressure feels unbearable, take a moment to just stop. Stop and notice the silence. Stop and notice the space. Stop and notice that there is something here that is not pressured, something here that...

See it NOW: Seeking vs. Looking by Mandi Solk

Mandi Solk has written a guest post here on the blog this month. You can find more of Mandi’s blog posts at her own site: www.mandisolk.com See it NOW: Seeking vs. Looking Guest Post by Mandi Solk If you think of yourself as a ‘seeker’, you will be seeking all...