The Heart of Presence is a term I have chosen to describe and point to the practice approach and
experience of waking up from the captivating illusions our individual and collective states of egocentric consciousness.
At the very heart of the Heart of Presence is the lived, immediate, personally unique and intimate experience of Unity Consciousness.
The Practices I share in group and individual sessions as well as in my writings, audio recordings and videos are intended to provide an opportunity for you to look directly for yourself and to see what is revealing itself to you right here and now.
Everything you need to live an awakened life is here now. The individual you are right now, is the light of awakening, shining as YOU!

The Heart of Presence
There is a dimension here now, all around us and within us, that is already free, already awake, has already accepted what we alone cannot and is already happy, well and at peace.
The Heart of Presence Practice is really just a simple shift in perspective that can allow the natural wisdom, creativity, kindness, compassion, power and resilience of life itself to flow into this moment now… and all moments. Whenever we stop to look, the aware, conscious fact of our own Presence can be seen, witnessed and felt. In our group meetings, we can experience that together.

After many years of mental and emotional distress in his 20’s and a diagnosis of cancer at the age of 29 he began exploring Spiritual teachings with a voracious zeal. In 2010, after encountering the works of Tony Parsons, Jeff Foster and many other contemporary teachings, Mike began to experience more profound changes in his perception of himself, others and of all life and began writing about this on a blog.
He has given talks in Leicester, Yorkshire, Lancaster, London and Brighton, recorded dozens of videos on YouTube, was interviewed on the popular Spiritual Awakening video series Buddha at the Gas Pump and has written many articles and short eBooks. For several years, Mike helped to manage and run silent retreats, weekend workshops and online courses with former Trappist Monk and American Spiritual teacher Francis Bennett, travelling around the UK.
He currently hosts regular weekly and monthly Present Moment Awareness Group sessions on Zoom, offers private guided sessions for individuals and shares articles, eBooks and guided practice/meditations on his website and YouTube channel.